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Packard, December 16, 2019 Revised 12/19/19
1941 Packard
Model 160
4 door sedan

 For those of you that do not know the story.

After WW2, the Canfield family car was a 1941 Packard model 160, 4 door sedan. The previous car was a 1932 Packard. Our parents later owned 1947, 1951, 1952, 1955 Packards. Then in about 1955 our father saw another 1941 model 160 at a gas station and bought it. His plan was to "restore and drive it”. Jim worked with him on the rebuild and in 1955 or 56, the engine rebuild was completed and the engine ran very well. To create easy access to the engine, he had removed the front fenders and all parts forward of the firewall before any work started on the engine.

Our father’s passion was engine work and he never got back to “finish” the body rebuild.

In October 2018, we sold the car to Tom, a car collector from Pennsylvania. He picked it up on his car trailer on October 14 and started work to get it “going”. He had the engine running on October 20. It is now running and nearly finished and on the road.

Jim recently received the following pictures and short videos from Tom.

As Tom got the car home



He did need a new battery!

After considerable work by Tom


Jim readily admits it looks a lot better now than it did in October 2018

Tom Sent this new picture March 15, 2020

Following are 2 short videos of the car on the road. Click or tap to play.

If I

If Jim gets any more pictures or videos, he will post them here

If you want to know all the details of the work Tom did and some commments by Tom CLICK HERE

I received the following link from Tom today. Some pictures of early Packard assembly line. The third B&W picture looks very much as I remember Dad's 1934 model, same very boxy passenger compartment. 

I would also like the blue one at the top of the page.

I just came across this picture od a 1934 Packard. Just as I remember it as our family car (but without the tractors in the background).

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